रविवार, 1 मार्च 2009

सफल रहा एन सी सी का सत्र

चंद्र शेखर आजाद शासकीय स्नातकोत्तर महाविद्यालय सीहोर मे एन सी सी का २००८-२००९ का सत्र विशेष रहा । पहली बार छात्राओं को एन सी सी मे प्रवेश मिला ।
सीनियर डिविजन छात्र प्रथम वर्ष ५४
सीनियर डिविजन छात्राएं प्रथम वर्ष ३०
सीनियर डिविजन छात्र द्वितीय वर्ष २३
कुल प्रवेश १०७
बी प्रमाणपत्र की परीक्षा २४ फरवरी को ४ एम् पि बटालियन भोपाल मे हुई जबकि
सी प्रमाण पत्र की परीक्षा ८ फरवरी को सी आई एस ऍफ़ ग्राउंड भोपाल मे हुई

शनिवार, 14 फ़रवरी 2009

एन सी सी की सी प्रमाणपत्र परीक्षा संपन्न

भोपाल के सी आई एस ऍफ़ ग्राउंड बी एच ई एल पर ३१ जनवरी से ९ फरवरी तक एन सी सी का कैंप लगा जिसमे सीहोर के पाँच छात्र कैडेट और सात छात्राओं ने भाग लिया .इसी कैंप मे सी प्रमाणपत्र परीक्षा भी हुई कुल २६ एन सी सी कैडेट परीक्षा मे शामिल हुए । बी प्रमाणपत्र की परीक्ष २४ फरवरी को एम् वि एम् कॉलेज भोपाल मे प्रातः ८ बजे होगी जिसमे सीहोर के ५४ छात्र कैडेट और ३० छात्राएं शामिल होंगी

सोमवार, 26 जनवरी 2009

गणतंत्र दिवस पर एन सी सी कैडेट्स की धूम

सीहोर के चंद्र शेखर आजाद शासकीय स्नातकोत्तर महाविद्यालय मे २६ जनवरी पर ६० वां गणतंत्र दिवस बहुत धूम से मनाया गया । प्राचार्य डॉ बेला मंशारमानी ने राष्ट्रीय ध्वज फहराकर परेड की सलामी ली । इसके पहले महाविद्यालय के कैम्पस मे स्थित शहीद स्मारक पर सभी अतिथियों ने पुष्प चढाकर शहीदों को नमन किया । स्मारक के चारों तरफ़ एन सी सी की छात्राएं युनिफोर्म मे खड़ी थीं । कैप्टेन डॉ राजेश श्रीवास्तव के नेत्रत्व मे एन सी सी , स्पोर्ट्स एन एस एस सहित छात्र छात्राओं ने कार्यक्रम मे भाग लिया । एस अवसर पर ४ एम पी बटालियन के नायक रंजन शर्मा को पुरस्कृत भी किया गया । एन आई सी कैंप विशाखापत्तनम तथा तिरुपति जाने वाले कैडेट्स को भी मैडल तथा प्रमाणपत्र देकर सम्मानित किया गया ।

मंगलवार, 2 दिसंबर 2008

एन सी सी कैंप मे सीहोर की लड़कियां तिरुपति जाएंगी
एन आई सी कैंप मे चंद्र शेखर आजाद महाविद्यालय सीहोर की लड़कियां ७ जनवरी से १८ जनवरी तक तिरुपति कैंप मे जाएंगी

मंगलवार, 28 अक्तूबर 2008

एन सी सी कैंप नवम्बर का प्रोग्राम

महाविद्यालय के एन सी सी केडेट्स के लिए नवम्बर का प्रोग्राम घोषित हो चुका हे
१ नवम्बर से १० तक सी ऐ टी सी भोपाल १० छात्र और ६ छात्राएं कुल १६ कैडेट्स
११ नवम्बर से २० तक सी ऐ टी सी भोपाल १५ छात्र और ८ छात्राएं कुल २३ कैडेट्स
१५ नवम्बर से २६ तक एन आई सी विशाखापत्तनम आंध्र प्रदेश ५ छात्र और ३ छात्राएं कुल ८ कैडेट्स
२१ नवम्बर से ३० तक सी ऐ टी सी भोपाल ५ कैडेट्स कुल ५ कैडेट्स

रविवार, 28 सितंबर 2008

Chandra Shekhar Azad
Govt PG College


The Indian Parliament passed the National Cadet Corps Act in 1948, thus creating the National Cadet Corps (NCC). The motto of the NCC is Unity and Discipline.
The Aims of the National Cadet Corps are :-
• To develop qualities of character, courage, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular out look, spirit of adventure and sportsmanship and the ideals of selfless service among the youth to make them useful citizens.
• To create a human resource of organised, trained and activated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life including the Armed Forces and always available for the service of the nation.

The National Cadet Corps can be considered as a successor of the University Officers Training Corps which was established by the British in 1942. During the World War II, the UOTC never came up to the expectations set by the British. This led to the idea that some better schemes should be formed, which could train more young men in a better way, even during peace times. A committee headed by Pundit H.N. Kunzru recommended a cadet organisation to be established in schools and colleges in a National level. The National Cadet Corps Act was accepted by the Governor General and on 16th July 1948 the National Cadet Corps came into existence.
During the 1965 and 1971 wars with Pakistan, NCC cadets were the second line of defence. They organised camps to assist the ordnance factories, supplying arms and ammunition to the front, and also were used a patrol parties to capture the enemy para-troopers. The NCC cadets also worked hand in hand with the Civil Defence authorities and actively took part in rescue work and traffic control. After the 1965 & 1971 Indo-Pak wars the NCC syllabus was revised. Rather than being the second line of defence, NCC syllabus laid a greater stress on developing qualities of leadership and Officer-like qualities. The military training which the NCC cadets received was reduced and greater importance was given to other areas like social service and youth-management.

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The Senior Division oF N C C is organised into three wings for the Army, Navy and the Air Force and has a strength of 365,000 cadets, while the Junior Division has a strength of 658,000. The Senior Division units are known as Companies. The company is usually stationed at a college, which is under the command of a lAsstt Professor who received formal Army training and is known as an Associated NCC Officer (ANO). A Senior Division company has a maximum of 160 cadets enrolled. Cadets who join the NCC are also given ranks according to their merit and seniority. The ranks are similar in all the Divisions. The cadet rankings only extend up to the level of NCOs and they need not salute each other (except coming to attention when standing before a Senior).
Cadets who join the NCC are also given ranks according to their merit and seniority. The ranks are similar in all the Divisions. The cadet rankings only extend upto the level of NCOs and they need not salute each other (except coming to attention when standing before a Senior). The ranked cadets are known as Cadet NCOs. During camps, ranks of Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) and Regimental Quarter-Master Sergeant (RQMS) are used.
Ranks in the NCC (Senior Division & Senior Wing);• Senior Under Officer (one in a Company)• Under Officer (three in a Company)• Company Sergeant Major (one in a Company)• Company Quarter Master Sergeant (one in a Company)• Sergeant (three in a Company excluding the CSM and CQMS)• Corporal (ten in a Company)• Lance Corporal (fifteen in a Company) • Cadet
A cadet in his full ceremonial dress
The HQ of the NCC is in New Delhi and is commanded by a Director-General of the rank of Lieutenant General. At New Delhi, a Central Advisory Committee has been set up with the RM / RMM as Chairman to advise the Government on all matters of policy and administration of the NCC. Each state also has a State Advisory Committee. The NCC is administered directly by the Ministry of Defence. The Director General has a staff which is drawn from the three services - Army, Navy and Air Force.
The NCC is divided into 16 directorates, similar to brigades, in which each state or group of states forms a directorate. The smaller states and union territories are attached with directorates of the bigger states. Each directorate is under the command of an Officer equivalent to the rank of a Brigadier. The directorates are further sub-divided into groups, which varies according to the size of the state, each under the command of an Officer equivalent to the rank of Colonel. A group consists of NCC battalions and NCC Air Force & Naval units. Other than the Commanding Officer, each Group HQ has an Administrative Officer and a Training Officer with ranks of either a Lieutenant Colonel or a Major.
The groups are further sub-divided into battalions, each commanded by an Officer equivalent to Lieutenant Colonel, and an Officer in the ranks of Lieutenant Colonel or Major as the Administrative Officer. Each battalion also has a JCO in the rank of Subedar Major as the Senior JCO. Each company consists of 160 cadets from a college/technical institute.
The Company Commander in the NCC is a lAsstt Professor who teaches in the college. They receive three months training at the Officer’s Training College in Kamptee, and are considered as Officers Commanding. NCC Officer of colleges are known as Associated NCC Officers (ANO).
Here is an example of the NCC's organisational setup;
• NCC Headquarters: New Delhi.
• NCC Directorate: M P & CG Dte
• NCC Group: Bhopal
• NCC Battalion: 4 M P Battalion.Bhopal
• NCC Company: Chandra shekhar azad Govt P G College SEHORE (M P )
• Company Commander: Capt. (Dr) Rajesh shrivastava

Dipawali ki Shubhkamnaayeen a very happy dipawali to all of you